Internationales SPECTRALIS Symposium ISS 2025 - MEHR SEHEN!
Forum for Retina Experts

Internationales SPECTRALIS Symposium ISS 2025 - MEHR SEHEN!
Forum for Retina Experts

13.06.2025 - 14.06.2025
Gebühren ab
265.00 EUR
Heidelberg Engineering GmbH

Heidelberg Engineering Academy
Max-Jarecki-Str. 8
DE - 69115 Heidelberg
Tel.: +49 (0) 6221 / 64 63 0
Fax: +49 (0) 6221 / 64 63 62

The International Spectralis Symposium 2025 will take place in Heidelberg. The ambitious scientific programme for all ophthalmologists provides information on the latest findings on the present and future of diagnostics in various areas of ophthalmology with lectures and interactive contributions. Experience scientific lectures by internationally renowned speakers at the highest level under the direction of Professor Frank G. Holz, Director of the University Eye Clinic Bonn.
  • Basisinformation
    13.06.2025 - 14.06.2025
    Gebühren ab
    265.00 EUR
    Heidelberg Engineering GmbH

    Heidelberg Engineering Academy
    Max-Jarecki-Str. 8
    DE - 69115 Heidelberg
    Tel.: +49 (0) 6221 / 64 63 0
    Fax: +49 (0) 6221 / 64 63 62

    Heidelberger Kongresszentrum
    Czernyring 20
    69115 Heidelberg, DE
  • Programm

    Scientific Program: Friday, June 13

    09:45  Welcome Note: Prof. Frank G. Holz | Germany

    SESSION 1: Oculomics S. Sadda | G. Staurenghi

    10:00 Oculomics: Mechanistic and biomarker discovery

    Siegfried Wagner | UK

    10:15 Eyes on health: Unlocking systemic insights with multimodal retinal imaging in the NICOLA study
    Ruth Hogg | UK

    10:30 An eye on neurodegenerative diseases: Challenging the dogma

    Rayaz Malik | Qatar

    10:45 Ocular signs and symptoms of cognitive impairment

    and neurodegeneration

    Robert P. Finger | Germany

    11:00 The eye as a window to the kidney: Old concepts, better tools and new horizons

    Neeraj Dhaun | UK

    11:15 Break


    SESSION 2: High-Res OCT   B. Chauhan | L. Schmetterer

    11:45 Histology update supporting review software and revised nomenclature for <3 µm OCT

    Christine Curcio | USA

    12:00  Structure-function correlates using High-Res OCT images

    Karl Csaky | USA

    12:15  New insights in diabetic maculopathy using High-Res OCT

    Thomas Ach | Germany

    12:30  High-Res OCT of atrophic and precursor lesions in AMD

    SriniVas Sadda | USA

    12:45  First experience of a new high-resolution imaging platform

    Giovanni Staurenghi | Italy

    13:00 Lunch Break | iOCT live


    SESSION 3: New Technology F. G. Holz | A. Tufail

    14:30  Advancing laser precision: OCT-guided selective retina


    Christian Burri | Switzerland

    14:45 In vivo functional imaging of single retinal ganglion cells with two-photon imaging

    Balwantray Chauhan | Canada

    15:00  Prolonged ORG recordings from inner and outer retina

    Leopold Schmetterer | Austria

    15:15  FLIO and the brain making the invisible visible:

    Silent disease progression for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis

    Robert Sergott | USA

    15:30 More than an OCT image holographic OCT for imaging

    retinal function

    Gereon Hüttmann | Germany

    15:45 Break


    SESSION 4: AMD | GA K. Csaky | R. P. Finger

    16:15 Impact of macular neovascularization development on GA progression

    Mariano Cozzi | Italy

    16:30 Imaging-based progression markers in intermediate AMD – results from the MACUSTAR study

    Frank G. Holz | Germany

    16:45 Functional assessments and structure-function correlation in intermediate AMD – analysis of MACUSTAR data

    Adnan Tufail | UK

    17:00  Masqueraders of exudation and neovascularization in AMD

    Roberto Gallego-Pinazo | Spain

    17:15 Using OCT determined anatomical features as endpoints in clinical trials in intermediate AMD
    Robyn Guymer | Australia

    17:30 Re-imagining two wavelength autofluorescence for macular xanthophyll carotenoids, proven beneficial agents for AMD

    Christine Curcio | USA



    17:45 A journey into space: „Völlig losgelöst!“

    NASA | USA

    18:30 End of Scientific Program



    Dinner cruise on the river Neckar + views of historic Heidelberg.

    19:00  Bus departure Congress Center (west entrance)
    19:30 Boat Queen Silvia available for boarding at the pier: Neckarstaden 25 | 69117 Heidelberg

    20:00 Boat departure for dinner cruise on river Neckar

    22:15 Return bus shuttle to congress hotels

    23:15  Return bus shuttle to congress hotels




    Scientific Program: Saturday, June 14

    09:00  Welcome Note: Prof. Frank G. Holz | Germany

    SESSION 5: Artificial Intelligence R. Gallego-Pinazo | S. Yu

    09:30 Analyzing FLIO data from the AI-READI project

    Aaron Y. Lee | USA

    09:45 AI in fluorescence lifetime imaging ophthalmoscopy (FLIO) data analysis-toward retinal metabolic diagnostic
    Yoko Miura | Germany

    10:00  Fluid in nAMD and GA

    Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth | Austria

    10:15  AI-based evaluation of dry AMD biomarkers

    SriniVas Sadda | USA

    10:30 Break


    SESSION 6: Retina A. Loewenstein | U. Schmidt-Erfurth

    11:00 The use of OCT and OCTA in sickle cell retinopathy

    James Talks | UK

    11:15  OCT based outcome measures in paediatric gene therapy

    Robert Henderson | UK

    11:30 Differentiating pachychoroid atrophy from geographic atrophy using fundus autofluorescence

    SeungYoung Yu | South Korea

    11:45  A rollercoaster ride: sit back and fasten your seatbelt

    Gabriella De Salvo | UK

    12:00  Hyperreflective vitreous opacities in children:

    A key to avoiding misdiagnosis in OCT interpretation

    Dinah Zur | Israel

    12:15 Discovering new dimensions with the SeeLuma™ fully digital visualization platform
    Sunil Warrier | Australia

    12:30 Lunch Break | iOCT live



    SESSION 7: Distributed Care F. G. Holz | J. Talks

    14:00  Remote patient monitoring in AMD management

    Anat Loewenstein | Israel

    14:15 Looking across the gap: Retinal imaging between community and hospital

    Baljean Dhillon | UK

    14:30  The power of Medisoft linking to UK Biobank

    Anthony Khawaja | UK

    14:45  Extreme telemedicine during long-duration spaceflight

    Steven Laurie | USA

    15:00 Panel Discussion: Meeting needs of service requirements 15:15 Multimodal imaging – still relevant in precision diagnosis

    Ethan Priel | USA

    15:30 End of Scientific Program

  • Gebühren
    Gebühren ab
    265,00 EUR
    Ärzte/-innen in Weiterbildung
    Gebühren ab
    265,00 EUR
    Gebühren ab
    265,00 EUR
    (inkl. Verpflegung, Welcome Reception und MwSt.)
  • Buchung / Anmeldung

  • Zertifizierung
    Zertifizierung unbekannt
  • Sponsoren

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