Nordic Congress of Ophthalmology (NOK) 2024

Nordic Congress of Ophthalmology (NOK) 2024

05.08.2024 - 08.08.2024
SENA ehf

SENA ehf
Hagasmári 1
201 Kópavogur

Organizing Committee
Finnish Ophthalmology Society
Kai Kaarniranta

The Nordic Ophthalmology Congress 2024, this Year organized by the Kuopio University Hospital, will take place at the Kuopio Music Centre on August 5th-8th, 2024.
  • Basisinformation
    05.08.2024 - 08.08.2024
    SENA ehf

    SENA ehf
    Hagasmári 1
    201 Kópavogur

    Organizing Committee
    Finnish Ophthalmology Society
    Kai Kaarniranta

    Kuopio Music Hall
    Kuopionlahdenkatu 23
    70100 Kuopio, IS
  • Programm


    • 15 December 2023 – Call for abstracts
    • 31 March 2024 – Deadline for submission of abstract
    • 30 April 2024 – Notification of acceptance of abstract
    • 15 May 2024 – Deadline for early-bird registration
    • 15 May 2024 – Deadline for early-bird registration


    Monday, August 05, 2024

    15:00 –        Registration Desk
    15:00 – 21:00 Exhibition Set-up
    20:00 – 23:00 Get-together event, Original Sokos Hotel Puijonsarvi, Puikkari Conference

    Tuesday, August 06, 2024

    08:00 – 15:30         Registration Desk / Exhibition
    08:30 –10:00 TRACK 1:
    Registries in ophthalmology
    Moderators: Anders Behndig, Sweden and Hannu Uusitalo, Finland

    The prevalence and causes of visual impairment in Denmark. An epidemiological study based on public registers
    Toke Bek, Denmark  

    Finnish visual impairment register
    Hannu Uusitalo, Finland  

    Norwegian registry study on intravitreal treatment over the last ten years
    Yngvil Solheim Husum, Norway  

    Swedish cataract register
    Anders Behndig, Sweden
    TRACK 2:
    Clinical view of uveitis through the slit-lamp and beyond
    Moderators: Sanna Leinonen, Finland and Jennifer Thorne, USA

    Anterior Uveitis
    Jennifer Thorne, USA  

    Intermediate uveitis
    Sanna Leinonen, Finland  

    MS-associated uveitis and sarcoidosis-related uveitis 
    Hanna-Mari Mäkelä and Elli Joukainen, Finland  

    Posterior uveitis
    Nida Sen, USA
    10:00 –10:30 Break / Exhibition / Posters
    10:30 –11:15 KEYNOTE Jennifer Thorne, USA: Uveitic macular edema—what we have learned from MUST?
    Moderator: Sanna Leinonen, Finland
    11:15 –13:00 Break / Lunch / Exhibition
    12:00-12:45 Lunch Seminars
    13:00 –14:30 TRACK 1:
    Traffic Medicine  
    Moderators: Tomas Bro, Sweden and Øystein Kalsnes Jørstad, Norway

    Interference with driving capacity – a view on visual input
    Fiona Rowe, UK  

    The role of vision-related problems in fatal road accidents in Finland
    Juhani Kalsi, Finland  

    Experiences from Sweden of the long road to a fair and appropriate legislation regarding visual abilities
    Tomas Bro, Sweden  

    The European Driving Test (EDT)
    Øystein Kalsnes Jørstad, Norway  

    Validation of the EDT: An evidence-based approach to the European visual field standards for driving
    Thea Melsen Sudmann, Norway  

    Driver’s health: Is it the eye or other diseases and health issues?
    Timo Tervo, Finland
    TRACK 2:
    Hot topics in ocular oncology  
    Moderator: Tero Kivelä, Finland

    Changing patterns in diagnosis, referral, and management of uveal melanoma over the past three decades
    Jørgen Krohn, Norway  

    Metastatic disease of uveal melanoma.
    Jens Kiilgaard, Denmark  

    What ophthalmologists must know about conjunctival tumours
    Maria Fili, Sweden  

    The retinoblastoma gene and benign soft tissue tumors
    Tero Kivelä, Finland  

    How comprehensive ophthalmologists can distinguish choroidal naevi from melanomas using MOLES 
    Bertil Damato, Malta  

    Orbital/Ocular Inflammatory Involvement in Vexas Syndrome
    Steffen Heegaard, Denmark   
    TRACK 3:
    Free Papers 1
    Moderator: Morten Moe, Norway

    Initial treatment response can predict one-year treatment outcomes in neovascular age-related macular degeneration treated according to the observe-and-plan regimen
    Alexander Kai Thomsen, Denmark

    Longitudinal analysis of anatomical parameters and their fluctuation in a regional real-world cohort of patients with neovascular AMD. Correlation with visual outcome
    Ilkka Immonen, Finland

    Long-Term Efficacy and Safety of Pegcetacoplan Over 36 Months: Results From 12 Months of the GALE Open-Label Extension Study
    Kai Kaarniranta, Finland

    Clinical investigation of unusual manifestations of central retinal vein congestion
    Michael Larsen, Denmark

    Morphometrics in biomarkers of polypoidal lesions and threedimensional choroidal vessels associated with treatment response in PCV
    Yue Zhang, China

    Lack of regional differences in hypoxia-induced vasodilation and hyperperfusion in retinal arterioles in vivo
    Jacob Drachmann, Denmark

    14:30 – 15:00 Break / Exhibition / Posters  
    15:00 – 16:30 TRACK 1:
    Clinical view into inherited eye diseases in the Nordic countries  
    Moderators: Line Kessel, Denmark and Joni Turunen, Finland

    Genetics in childhood-onset anterior segment diseases 
    Line Kessel, Denmark  

    Easily unrecognized genetic corneal diseases in the Nordic countries
    Joni Turunen, Finland  

    An overview of inherited retinal diseases in Sweden
    Ulrika Kjellström, Sweden  

    BEST1-mediated retinal dystrophy in the Norwegian population 
    Erlend Sæther, Norway  
    TRACK 2:
    Malignant eyelid tumors
    Moderators: Richard Allen, UK and Marita Uusitalo, Finland  

    Eyelid basalioma
    Niko Viskari, Finland  

    What do you need to know about rare eyelid malignancies
    Paula Niinimäki, Finland  

    Surgical treatment of eyelid tumors
    Marita Uusitalo, Finland  

    Molecularly targeted agents in oculoplastic surgery
    Richard Allen, UK  
     TRACK 3:
    Metabolic Retina
    Moderators: Toke Bek, Denmark and Nina Hautala, Finland

    Subthreshold laser treatment in retinal diseases
    Andrzej Grzybowski, Poland

    Cost implications of the transition from laser to intravitreal injections in diabetic retinopathy
    Goran Petrovski, Norway

    Individualized screening for diabetic retinopathy with proliferative diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema as separate end points
    Toke Bek, Denmark

    Blood Flow Measurement with OCT
    Richard Spaide, USA
    17:00         OPENING CEREMONY, Kuopio Music Centre  

    Wednesday, August 07, 2024

    08:00 –15:30     Registration Desk / Exhibition
    08:30 –10:00 TRACK 1:
    Glaucoma diagnosis and non-surgical treatments  
    Moderator: Miriam Kolko, Denmark

    Rho-kinas inhibitors
    Andrew Tatham, UK  

    Glaucoma diagnostics
    Barbara Cvenkel, Slovenia  

    Preservatives and generics – are we harming our patients?
    Miriam Kolko, Denmark  

    TRACK 2:
    Update on Central Serous Chorioretinopathy  
    Moderators: Michael Larsen, Denmark and Yousif Subhi, Denmark

    Central serous chorioretinopathy: How bad can it get and why don’t we care about the visual fields?
    Michael Larsen, Denmark  

    Clinical impact of the worldwide shortage of verteporfin: What happened, and where are we heading?
    Marc J. Sirks, Netherlands  

    Evidence-based approach to the treatment of CSC
    Andreas Vangsted, Lars Christian Boberg-Ans and Yousif Subhi, Denmark  

    New guideline for the management of CSC
    Helena M. A. Feenstra, Netherlands
    TRACK 3:
    Cell therapy and Stem Cell Research in Ophthalmology 
    Moderators: Goran Petrovski, Norway and Kabil Bharti USA
    Stem cell therapy for AMD – the present and the future
    Kapil Bharti, USA
    Rejuvenation of geographic atrophy by stem cell-based RPE Therapy
    Daniel Muth, Sweden
    Modulation of pigmentation in RPE cells for future use in cell therapy
    Goran Petrovski,  Norway
    Human pluripotent stem cell-based therapies for corneal blindness
    Heli Skottman, Finland
    10:00 –10:30 Break / Exhibition / Posters
    10:30 –11:15 KEYNOTE Richard Spaide, USA: Venous Overload Choroidopathy
    Moderator Michael Larsen, Denmark
    11:15 –13:00 Break / Lunch / Exhibition
    12:00-12:45 Lunch Seminars
    13:00 –14:30 TRACK 1: Glaucoma surgery  
    Moderators: Mika Harju, Finland and Juha Välimäki, Finland

    Management of tube erosion
    Juha Välimäki, Finland

    Cataract and glaucoma, combined or sequential surgery
    Daniella Bach-Holm, Denmark  

    Why not to operate glaucoma?
    Tarek Shaarawy, Switzerland  

    Surgery in normal-tension glaucoma
    Nina Lindbohm, Finland

    Risks and management of hypotony-related complications 
    Amelie Botling Taube     
    TRACK 2: Baltic Special
    Moderators: Rimvydas Ašoklis, Lithuania and Artur Klett, Estonia

    Surgical management of corneal infections – pitfalls and challenges,
    Rimvydas Ašoklis, Lithuania

    30 years of ocular oncology service in Estonia and  Baltic States
    Artur Klett, Estonia
    Cataract surgery and week zonules
    Juris  Vanags, Latvia
    Influence of the aerobic training into intraocular pressure
    Kuldar Kaljurand, Estonia
    TRACK 3: Young ophthalmologists 1
    Eye Pop – causes of an outstanding eye
    Moderators: Niko Viskari, Rebecka Jernkrok
    Oculoplastic emergencies – what you need when you are on call
    Paula Niinimäki, Finland

    Orbital inflammation – when is it idiopathic?
    Cecilia Norin, Sweden
    Thyroid eye disease – how to treat and when
    Rannveig Linda Þórisdóttir, Iceland

    Orbital tumors – what every ophthalmologist should know
    Richard Allen, USA
    14:30 –15:00 Break / Exhibition / Posters  
    15:00 –16:30 TRACK 1:
    Retina surgery  
    Moderators: Niko Kivinen, Finland and Liisa Marttila, Finland

    Sustainability in ocular surgery
    Sjoerd Elferink, Netherlands  

    Pseudophagic retinal detachments Years 1993-99 and 2019-22
    Joonas Wirkkala, Finland  

    ILM Flap surgery in partial thickness macular holes: Cure for OCT cosmetics?
    Ilkka Immonen, Finland
    TRACK 2:
    Baltic-NOK joint
    Moderators: Goran Petrovski, Norway and Kuldar Kaljurand, Estonia

    Are there inherited “Baltic” eye diseases shared by Sweden, Finland, and Estonia?
    Tero Kivelä, Finland

    Integrated clinical and genetic analysis of Stargardt/ABCA4 disease
    Rando Allikmets, USA

    Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy from genes to clinic
    Kuldar Kaljurand, Estonia
    TRACK 3: Cost effectiveness in ophthalmology and future demands
    Moderators: Kati Kinnunen, Finland and Anja Tuulonen, Finland

    Prioritization in health care 
    Miia Turpeinen, Finland
    Health technology assessment (HTA) in Finland
    Hanna-Mari Jauhonen, Finland
    Measuring real-world cost-effectiveness: why and how?
    Anja Tuulonen, Finland

    18:00 –23:30      

    Thursday, August 08, 2024

    08:00 – 15:30       Registration / Exhibition
    08:30 –10:00 TRACK 1:
    Anterior segment eye surgery in children
    Moderators: Daniella Bach-Holm, Denmark and Line Kessel, Denmark
    How to handle subluxated lenses in children
    Symira Cholidis, Norway

    Bag-in-the-lens in children with cataract
    Alf Nyström, Sweden

    Corneal transplantation in children       
    Kari Krootila, Finland

    Paediatric cataracts and secondary glaucoma: Life-long risk and the effect of glucocorticoids
    Diana Chabané Schmidt, Denmark

    TRACK 2:
    Hot Topics in Age-Related Macular Degeneration
    Moderators: Michael Larsen, Denmark and Yousif Subhi, Denmark

    Physical activity for geographic atrophy in AMD
    Marie Krogh Nielsen, Denmark  

    Can we trust the Amsler grid?
    Jakob Bjerager, Denmark  

    Evidence-based practice for intravitreal injections
    Emilie TS Butler, Denmark  

    Studies on intravitreal injection syringes
    Morten C Moe, Norway  

    New therapeutical options for the treatment of neovascular AMD
    Anna Stage Vergmann, Denmark

    TRACK 3 /Young ophthalmologists Session:
    What is in the blurry horizon of myopia?
    Moderators: Henrik Bjøralt Roald, Elisabeth Romundstad

    Detecting the child at risk
    Katrin Stadler, Norway

    Atropin eyedrops
    Erlend Landsend, Norway

    Ortho-K lenses
    Trine Møldrup Jakobsen, Denmark

    Myopia control glasses
    Pia Ekker, Norway

    Myopia – Guidelines at Oslo University Hospital
    Erlend Landsend, Norway    
    10:00 –10:30 Break / Exhibition / Posters
    11:15 –13:00 Break / Lunch / Exhibition
    12:00-12:45 Lunch Seminars
    13:00 –14:30 TRACK 1:
    Cornea surgery
    Moderator: Jesper Hjortdal, Denmark
    DSAEK or DMEK for Fuchs endothelial keratoplasty – a prospective randomized study
    Morten Molbech Madsen, Denmark
    Anterior lamellar keratoplasty – What to do when?
    Marios Panagiotopoulos, Sweden
    Peripheral hypertrophic subepithelial corneal degeneration versus Salzmann’s nodular degeneration. Etiology and treatment
    Sanna Mörtenhumer, Finland
    Changing patterns in keratoconus treatment
    Olav Kristianslund, Norway
    TRACK 2:
    Moderator: Ville Saarela, Finland

    Optic disc drusen
    Steffen Hamann, Denmark

    Idiopathic intracranial hypertension
    Frank Träisk, Sweden 

    Case report
    Oona Martikainen, Finland

    Case report
    Juho Pekkarinen, Finland
    TRACK 3:
    Moderators: Andrzej Grzybowski, Poland and Olavi Pärssinen, Finland

    How much genetics and parental myopia explain myopia
    Juho Wedenoja, Finland  

    Why myopia has not increased in Finland and in Nordic countries similarly as in some Asian Countries?
    Niko Setälä, Finland  

    Myopia prevention – what is the difference between a statistically and clinically significant benefit of different treatments
    Olavi Pärssinen, Finland  

    Atropine in Myopia control: update 2024
    Andrzej Grzybowski, Poland
    14:30 –15:00 Break / Exhibition / Posters
    15:00 –16:30 TRACK 1:
    Collaboration with EVER    
    Moderators: Andrzej Grzybowski, Poland and Miriam Kolko, Denmark

    Neurobiological bases of discomfort and decreased tear production in glaucoma patients
    Juana Gallar Martinez, Spain  

    Ophthalmodynamometry and its clinical applications
    Rebekka Heitmar, UK  

    AI using our FOREVER dataset
    Miriam Kolko, Denmark  

    Diabetic retinopathy and AI in 2024: promises and hazards
    Andrzej Grzybowski, Poland  
    TRACK 2:
    Free papers
    Moderator: Johanna Liinamaa, Finland

    Mesenchymal-epithelial transformation of corneal endothelial cells: Fuchs dystrophy vs. bullous keratopathy
    Tero Kivelä, Finland

    Corneal Biomechanical Properties Measured with Brillouin Scanning
    Anders Behndig, Sweden

    AI-Enhanced Digital Endoscopic and OCT Guidance Systems for TM-Based MIGS
    Michael Berlin, USA

    Prevalence of residual amblyopia in adulthood and its association on educational outcome and quality of life in the Northern Finland Birth Cohort
    Johanna Liinamaa, Finland

    Societal costs of declining visual acuity: Longitudinal results from a Finnish nationwide study with 15 years of registry data follow-up
    Joonas Taipale, Finland
    TRACK 3:
    Young Ophthalmologists Course
    Uveitis – what to test and when to test
    Moderators: Elisabeth Romundstad, Marie Krogh Nielsen
    Christos Christakopoulos, Denmark
    Jon Roger Eidet, Norway
    17:00 –     CLOSING CEREMONY
    19:00 – PRESIDENTIAL DINNER, invitation only, Peräniemi Casino

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