ART 2023 - 20th Advanced Retinal Therapy Symposium

ART 2023 - 20th Advanced Retinal Therapy Symposium

09.12.2023, 08:00 - 16:00
Gebühren ab
150.00 EUR
Univ. Klinik für Augenheilkunde und Optometrie Wien
Universitätsklinikum Wien

Univ.-Klinik für Augenheilkunde und Optometrie
Medical University of Vienna
Department of Ophthalmology
Scientific Support
Tel.: +43 (0)1 40 400 79410
Fax: +43 (0)1 40 400 79120

The exchange of knowledge and expertise, clinical and scientific results is the main goal of the 20th ART Vienna conference on advanced retinal therapy. 3 main topics have been chosen this year: 1. the most important and educative cases of my entire career, 2. artificial intelligence in the management and understanding of retinal disease: Benefits and challenges, 3.Unmet needs in the management of retinal disease.
  • Basisinformation
    09.12.2023, 08:00 - 16:00
    Gebühren ab
    150.00 EUR
    Univ. Klinik für Augenheilkunde und Optometrie Wien
    Universitätsklinikum Wien

    Univ.-Klinik für Augenheilkunde und Optometrie
    Medical University of Vienna
    Department of Ophthalmology
    Scientific Support
    Tel.: +43 (0)1 40 400 79410
    Fax: +43 (0)1 40 400 79120

    Van Swieten Saal, MedUni Vienna
    Van-Swieten-Gasse 1a
    1090 Wien, AT
  • Programm

    08:00 WELCOME
    Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth

    08:15 - 09:00
     The most important and educative cases of my entire career

    Moderators: Lee Jampol, Anita Agarwal, William Mieler

    • Challenging and educative cases from the experts are presented and discussed interactively among the panel
      Panellists: Mark Johnson, Jennifer Arnold

    09:00 Coffee break

    09:30 - 11:50
    SESSION II: Artificial Intelligence in the management and understanding of retinal disease: Benefits and challenges

    Moderators: Hrvoye Bogunovic, Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth

    • Hrvoje Bogunovicn: Introduction: Where is AI in retina in 2023?
    • Ramin Tadayoni: Fundus photography vs. OCT-A: The novel learnings
    • Tunde Peto: Shared care: Current achievements and perspectives
    • Gregor Reiter: AI-based fluid parameters in the management of neovascular AMD
    • Robert Avery: The role and promise of AI in the universe of the private practice

      10:10 Discussion
    • Daniela Ferrara: Revolutionizing clinical trials by AI
    • Aaron Lee: The AI framework: Split or synchronized?
    • Joel S. Schuman: OCT and AI: How did and will the two connect?
    • Clarisa Sanchez: AI in retina: Which parameters and tools are fit for the clinic?
    • Aaron Lee: A foundation model for generalizable discuse detection frame

      11:20 Discussion
      11:50 Lunch Break

    12:50 - 14:30
    SESSION III: Unmet needs in the management of retinal disease

    Moderators: Andreas Pollreisz, Paul Sternberg

    • Andreas Pollreisz: Introduction: The new diagnostic univers in diabetic retinopathy
    • Jennifer Arnold: Sub-threshold laser to early AMD: Rationale, benefit and risk
    • Catherine Cukras: Local and Global Associations of Reticular Pseudodrusen in AMD
    • Paul Sternberg: Addressing the challenges in managing the unmet needs of patients with atrophic AMD
    • Jordi Monés: How will we deal with GA from now on in clinical practice?
    • Mark Johnson: Degenerative lamellar macular holes and other Muller gliopathies
    • Matus Rehak: A state-of-the art in DME management in the real world: What we are missing
    • Chang Ki Yoon: A comprehensive insight into Pseudodrusen and Function

      14:00 Discussion
      14:30 Break

    15:00 -16:30
    SESSION IV: The future is here to stay?
    Moderators: Gregor Reiter, Sasha Fauser

    • Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth: Introduction
    • Michael Tolentino: Heralding the Glycomic Revolution
    • Sascha Fauser: Treatment beyond intravitreal injection
    • Guillaume Normand: Beyond FAF: The role of AI in the profiling and management of GA
    • Reenie McCarthy: Beyond complement inhibition: Other targets to rescue photoreceptors
    • Roy Schwartz: Pioneering the field in GA therapy
    • Jacob Pichelmann: Developing AI for clinical decision support systems (CDSS)

      16:00 Discussion
      16:30 End
  • Gebühren
    Gebühren ab
    250,00 EUR
    Ärzte/-innen in Weiterbildung
    Gebühren ab
    150,00 EUR
  • Buchung / Anmeldung

    Registration required. Please contact the organizer for further information.

  • Zertifizierung
    Zertifizierung beantragt für CME Punkte bei der Ärztekammer Österreich
  • Sponsoren

    André Augen Medizinprodukte
    Oertli Switzerland

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