Department of Ophthalmology Seminar I Hybrid Education Live & Virtual
By Center for Continuing Professional Development

Department of Ophthalmology Seminar I Hybrid Education Live & Virtual
By Center for Continuing Professional Development

02.06.2023, 07:50 - 16:45
Los Angeles
Gebühren ab
75.00 EUR
UCLA Office of Continuing Medical Education
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

UCLA Office of Continuing Medical Education
David geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
405 Hilgard Avenue
MC29 Los Angeles

Campus Operator Tel. +1 310-825-4321

The UCLA Department of Ophthalmology Annual Seminar is designed as an update course covering current clinical and research aspects of selected ophthalmic subspecialties. This course is designed for ophthalmologists, optometrists, vision scientists, and other healthcare practitioners whose practice includes care of patients with ophthalmic disease.
  • Basisinformation
    02.06.2023, 07:50 - 16:45
    Los Angeles
    Gebühren ab
    75.00 EUR
    UCLA Office of Continuing Medical Education
    David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

    UCLA Office of Continuing Medical Education
    David geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
    405 Hilgard Avenue
    MC29 Los Angeles

    Campus Operator Tel. +1 310-825-4321

    UCLA Stein Eye Institute, RPB Auditorium & Online
    100 Stein Plaza Westwood
    CA 90095 Los Angeles, US
  • Programm

    7:50           WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION Anne L. Coleman, MD, PhD

    8:00           UCLA FACULTY LECTURES

    8:00          Should we be treating all of our cataract surgery patients with postoperative NSAIDS? Kevin M. Miller, MD

    8:09          Neuropathic pain Saba K. Al-Hashimi, MD

    8:18          Effect of uveitic glaucoma on corneal health Judy L. Chen, MD

    8:27          Current status of the phase 1 clinical trial of cultivated autologous limbal stem cells Sophie X. Deng, MD, PhD

    8:35           Panel discussion (Faculty)

    8:45           20th THOMAS H. PETTIT LECTURE  "Electrotherapeutics in ophthalmology: a shocking tale"  Mark J. Mannis, MD

    9:30           Break

    10:00         53rd DOHENY MEMORIAL LECTURE "The evolving toolkit for glaucoma surgery" Joseph Caprioli, MD

    10:45         UCLA FACULTY LECTURES

    10:45        Surgery for pediatric glaucoma JoAnn A. Giaconi, MD

    10:58        The future of stents and setons Brian A. Francis, MD

    11:10         Panel discussion (Faculty)


    12:00        Lunch

    1:00           UCLA FACULTY LECTURES

    1:00          Polyunsaturated fatty acids & retinopathy of prematurity Kara L. Calkins, MD

    1:09          PEDIG studies of retinopathy of prematurity Stacy L. Pineles, MD

    1:18          Social determinants of health and visual outcomes in retinopathy of prematurity Monica R. Khitri, MD

    1:27          Optical coherence tomography findings in retinopathy of prematurity Irena Tsui, MD

    1:36          Panel Discussion with Faculty

    1:45           20th BRADLEY R. STRAATSMA LECTURE "Retinal diseases in pediatrics: ROP and beyond" Mary E. Hartnett, MD

    2:30          Break

    2:50          AWARDS

    3:15          UCLA FACULTY LECTURES

    3:15          Glaucoma and smoking Simon K. Law, MD

    3:26           OCT angiography in glaucoma Vikas Chopra, MD

    3:37          Posterior segment imaging in glaucoma Kouros Nouri-Mahdavi, MD

    3:47          Panel discussion (Faculty)

    4:00         53rdJULESSTEINLECTURE "Glaucoma genetics: disease risk and therapeutic opportunities" Janey L. Wiggs, MD, PhD

    4:45          ADJOURN

  • Gebühren
    Gebühren ab
    75,00 EUR
    Ärzte/-innen in Weiterbildung
    Gebühren ab
    75,00 EUR
    $75 Non-UCLA Live In-Person Participant at UCLA
    $75 Non-UCLA Virtual Participant via Zoom
  • Buchung / Anmeldung

    All registrants (live or virtual) will be provided the opportunity to review recorded sessions up to 3 weeks following the conference.

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  • Zertifizierung
    Zertifiziert für CME Punkte bei der Sonstige

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