20. Internationales SPECTRALIS Symposium (ISS)
Forum for Retina Experts

20. Internationales SPECTRALIS Symposium (ISS)
Forum for Retina Experts

26.05.2023, 08:45 - 27.05.2023, 15:00
Gebühren ab
265.00 EUR
Maximale Teilnehmerzahl
Heidelberg Engineering GmbH

Heidelberg Engineering Academy
Max-Jarecki-Str. 8
DE - 69115 Heidelberg
Tel.: +49 (0) 6221 / 64 63 0
Fax: +49 (0) 6221 / 64 63 62

The 20th International Spectralis Symposium will take place in Berlin. The Scientific Course Director is Prof. Antonia Joussen from the Charité University Eye Hospital Berlin. In addition to introductions to current advances in imaging of AMD, vascular retinal diseases, and glaucoma, the range of contributions extends to topics such as automated evaluation using AI, systems medicine, imaging in neurological diseases, or in the differential diagnosis of tumors.
  • Basisinformation
    26.05.2023, 08:45 - 27.05.2023, 15:00
    Gebühren ab
    265.00 EUR
    Maximale Teilnehmerzahl
    Heidelberg Engineering GmbH

    Heidelberg Engineering Academy
    Max-Jarecki-Str. 8
    DE - 69115 Heidelberg
    Tel.: +49 (0) 6221 / 64 63 0
    Fax: +49 (0) 6221 / 64 63 62

    Axica Kongress- und Tagungszentrum
    Pariser Platz 3
    10117 Berlin, DE
  • Programm
    Vorauss. Zeitplan Freitag, 26.05.23 von 08:45-18:00 Uhr,
    im Anschluss Welcome Reception
    Samstag, 27.05.23 von 08:45-15:00 Uhr
    Sprecher Asrani, Sanjay (USA)
    Brown, David (USA)
    Chauhan, Balwantray (Kanada)
    Curcio, Christine (USA)
    Erb-Eigner, Katharina (Deutschland)
    Fujimoto, James (USA)
    Gallego-Pinazo, Roberto (Spanien)
    Ghanchi, Faruque (UK)
    Heimann, Heinrich (UK)
    Holz, Frank G. (Deutschland)
    Hood, Don (USA)
    Hufendiek, Karsten (Deutschland)
    Invernizzi, Alessandro (Italien)
    Joussen, Antonia (Deutschland)
    Liakopoulos, Sandra (Deutschland)
    Maloca, Peter (Schweiz)
    Mardin, Christian (Deutschland)
    Miura, Yoko (Deutschland)
    Patel, Chetan K. (UK)
    Paul, Friedemann (Deutschland)
    Pauleikhoff, Daniel (Deutschland)
    Petzold, Axel (UK)
    Priglinger, Siegfried (Deutschland)
    Quigley, Harry (USA)
    Sadda, SriniVas R. (USA)
    Schmidt-Erfurth, Ursula (Österreich)
    Schottenhamml, Julia (Deutschland)
    Sergott, Robert (USA)
    Staurenghi, Giovanni (Italien)
    Yu, SeungYoung (Korea)
    Zeitz, Oliver (Deutschland)



    Friday May 26, 2023

    08:45  Welcome Note (Prof. Antonia Joussen, Dr. Stephan Schulz)


    09:00  The Future of Research in Glaucoma (Prof. Harry Quigley)

    09:20  Impact of Baseline Classification on Estimated Rates of Glaucomatous Neuroretinal Rim and Nerve Fibre Layer Change (Prof. Balwantray Chauhan)

    09:40  Pearls and Pitfalls of Imaging in Glaucoma Diagnosis and Progression (Prof. Sanjay Asrani) 10:00            Artificial Intelligence and OCTA Analytics in Glaucoma Management (Julia Schottenhamml, M.Sc.)

    10:20  Free Paper or Panel Discussion

    10:30  Break

    RETINA 1 - High-Resolution OCT

    11:00  Volume Electron Microscopy Supports Mitochondria as Reflectivity Sources in High- Resolution OCT of Human Retina (Prof. Christine A. Curcio)

    11:20 High-Resolution OCT in Age-Related Macular Disease (Prof. Frank G. Holz)

    11:40  High-Resolution OCT Imaging in Vascular Diseases (Dr. Alessandro Invernizzi)

    12:00  Outer Retina and RPE in High Myopia... More Than Myopic CNV (Prof. Roberto Gallego-Pinazo)

    12:20  Free Paper or Panel Discussion

    12:30 Lunch Break

    RETINA 2

    13:30  Keynote Lecture - Clinic and Science in nAMD: A Complementary Relationship (Prof. Daniel Pauleikhoff)

    13:50   Pachychoroid Update – Diagnosis and Therapy (Prof. Siegfried Priglinger)

    14:10   Intra-Operative OCT in Pediatric Retinal Surgery (Prof. Chetan K. Patel)

    14:30   Imaging Biomarkers in Neovascular AMD (Prof. Sandra Liakopoulos)

    14:50   Free Paper or Panel Discussion

    15:00   Break

    Artificial Intelligence

    15:30   Future of Retinal Imaging (Dr. David Brown) 

    15:50  How AI-Based Fluid Monitoring Will Change Disease Management in Neovascular AMD (Prof. Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth)

    16:10   The Use of AI Algorithms to Improve Diagnostic Accuracy in Neuroinflammation/ Neuroophthalmology (Prof. Friedemann Paul) 

    16:30   Retinal Phenotype and Molecular Features of Neovascular AMD: Novel Insights Through AI-Based Big Data Analyses (Prof. Oliver Zeitz)

    16:50   Free Paper or Panel Discussion

    17:00  Break


    17:30  Imaging in Opthalmic Oncology (Prof. Antonia Joussen)

    17:50  Improving the Diagnostic Accuracy of Eye and Orbital Lesions on MR Images (PD Dr. Katharina Erb-Eigner)

    18:10   Imaging of Benign Intraocular Tumors (Prof. Heinrich Heimann)

    18:30   Free Papers

    18:50   Free Paper or Panel Discussion

    19:00   End of Day1


    Saturday May 27, 2023 

    08:45        Welcome Note (Dr. Stephan Schulz)


    RETINA 3 - High-Resolution OCT


    09:00  Advances in High-Resolution SD-OCT and High-Speed SS-OCTA (Prof. James Fujimoto)

    09:20  Observation of Posterior Vitreous Microstructure with High-Res OCT (Dr. Yoko Miura)

    09:40  High-Resolution OCT Imaging of Atrophic Lesions Associated with AMD (Dr. SriniVas R. Sadda)


    10:00   High-Resolution OCT: What Do We Miss? (Prof. Giovanni Staurenghi)

    10:20   Free Paper or Panel Discussion

    10:30 Break

    RETINA 4

    11:00   Topographic Progression of Geographic Atrophy and Visual Acuity in Korean Patients with Non-Exudative AMD (Prof. SeungYoung Yu)

    11:20   ORCID – Observations on Outer Retina Choroid Interface in Degeneration (Prof. Faruque Ghanchi) 

    11:40   Dynamic Optical Coherence Tomography Technique (Dr. Peter Maloca) 

    12:00   Distinctive FLIO Signatures for Four Neuro-Degenerative Diseases: Leber‘s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Multiple Sclerosis (Dr. Robert Sergott)

    12:20   Structural OCT Activity Signs in Macular Neovascularization (Mariano Cozzi)

    12:30   Lunch Break

    Glaucoma/Optic Neuropathies 2

    13:30    Eye-Opening Insights Into the Brain (Dr. Axel Petzold) 

    13:50    Use of Deviation Maps in Differential Diagnosis of Optic Neuropathies (Prof. Christian Mardin) 

    14:10    SPECTRALIS OCTA Findings in LHON and ADOA (Dr. Karsten Hufendiek) 

    14:30    ”Save the Donut” – Understanding Progression of Macular Damage (Prof. Don Hood)

    14:50   Free Paper or Panel Discussion

    15:00   EndofDay2


    Abstract Submission : March 24th 2023


  • Gebühren
    Gebühren ab
    265,00 EUR
    Ärzte/-innen in Weiterbildung
    Gebühren ab
    265,00 EUR
    (inkl. Verpflegung, Welcome Reception und MwSt.)
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