The Basic Science Course in Ophthalmology 2023
Basic Science Course in Ophthalmology

The Basic Science Course in Ophthalmology 2023
Basic Science Course in Ophthalmology

09.01.2023, 09:00 - 03.02.2023, 16:00
New York
Gebühren ab
2300.00 USD
Columbia University Department of Ophthalmology

Columbia University Department of Ophthalmology
160 Fort Washington Avenue
US - NY 10032 New York
Program Manager. Patricia Galvin
Tel.: +1 212 3050285
Fax: +1 212 3055106

Since 1941, the Edward S. Harkness Eye Institute at the Columbia University Department of Ophthalmology has offered an ophthalmology basic science course. While the focus of the course is resident training, it has also proven useful for the visual sciences community as a whole. Coursework examines the fundamentals of vision and emphasizes how these basic principles relate to patient care. Over 125 hours of Lectures and Workshops by a faculty of over 80 distinguishd experts.
  • Basisinformation
    09.01.2023, 09:00 - 03.02.2023, 16:00
    New York
    Gebühren ab
    2300.00 USD
    Columbia University Department of Ophthalmology

    Columbia University Department of Ophthalmology
    160 Fort Washington Avenue
    US - NY 10032 New York
    Program Manager. Patricia Galvin
    Tel.: +1 212 3050285
    Fax: +1 212 3055106

    Columbia University Irving Medical Center
    635 West 165th Street, Box 21
    NY 10032 New York, US
  • Programm
    • Over 125 hours of lectures, live discussions, and hands-on workshops. Instruction in optics, refraction, and retinoscopy
    • An introduction to microsurgery
    • An introduction to glaucoma surgery Dissection of the lid, lacrimal system and orbit Phacoemulsification and Ultrasound Workshops
    January 4, 2021 – Monday
        Introduction BSCO (1 hour)
    Andrei V. Tkatchenko, MD, PhD – Columbia University, New York, USA Ronald H. Silverman, PhD – Columbia University, New York, USA Molecular Regulation of Eye Development (1 hour)
    Xin Zhang, PhD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Development of retinal ganglion cells and their connections with the brain: replacement and reconnection after injury (1 hour)
    Carol Mason, PhD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Orbital Anatomy
    Daniel Casper, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Surgical Anatomy of the Globe
    Hermann Schubert, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    9:00 AM    
    January 5, 2021 – Tuesday
        Eye Development and Anatomy – Q&A and Discussion (0.5 hours) live session
    Xin Zhang, PhD – Columbia University, New York, USA Carol Mason, PhD – Columbia University, New York, USA Daniel Casper, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Hermann Schubert, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    9:00 AM    
        Ophthalmic Optics (7 hours)
    David Guyton, MD – Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
    Kristina Irsch, PhD – Institut de la Vision, Paris, France
    January 6, 2021 – Wednesday
        Ophthalmic Optics – Q&A and Discussion (0.5 hours) live session
    David Guyton, MD – Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
    Kristina Irsch, PhD – Institut de la Vision, Paris, France
    9:00 AM    
        Accommodation and Presbyopia (1 hour)
    Donald J. Coleman, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Basic Science of Refractive Eye Development and Myopia (1 hour)
    Andrei V. Tkatchenko, MD, PhD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Role of Peripheral Vision in Ocular Growth and Refractive Eye Development (1 hour)
    Earl Smith, OD, PhD – University of Houston, Houston, USA
    Circadian Rhythms and Refractive Eye Development (1 hour)
    Debora Nickla, PhD – New England College of Optometry, Boston, USA
    Role of contrast perception and longitudinal chromatic aberrations in optical defocus perception (1 hour)
    Timothy Gawne, PhD – University of Alabama in Birmingham, Birmingham, USA
    Genetics of Myopia (1 hour)
    Chris Hammond, MD, MRCP, FRCOphth – King’s College London, London, UK
    January 7, 2021 – Thursday
        Accommodation and Refractive Development – Q&A and Discussion (0.5 hours) live session
    Donald J. Coleman, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Andrei V. Tkatchenko, MD, PhD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Earl Smith, OD, PhD – University of Houston, Houston, USA
    Debora Nickla, PhD – New England College of Optometry, Boston, USA
    Timothy Gawne, PhD – University of Alabama in Birmingham, Birmingham, USA
    Chris Hammond, MD, MRCP, FRCOphth – King’s College London, London, UK
    9:00 AM    
        Contact Lenses (1 hour)
    Suzanne Sherman, OD – Columbia University, New York, USA
        Myopia Control (1 hour)
    Jeffrey Cooper, MS, OD, FAAO – Cooper Eye Care, New York, USA Shira Kresch, MS, OD, FAAO – Columbia University, New York, USA Origins of Clinical Refractive Technology (1 hour)
    Stephen Trokel, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA Refractive Surgery: Overview and Complications (1 hour) Christopher E. Starr, MD – Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, USA Refractive Surgery: Worldwide perspective (2 hours)
    Dan Z. Reinstein, MD – London Vision Clinic, London, UK
    January 8, 2021 – Friday
        Myopia Control and Refractive Surgery – Q&A and Discussion (0.5 hours) live session
    Suzanne Sherman, OD – Columbia University, New York, USA Jeffrey Cooper, MS, OD, FAAO – Cooper Eye Care, New York, USA Shira Kresch, MS, OD, FAAO – Columbia University, New York, USA Stephen Trokel, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA Christopher E. Starr, MD – Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, USA
    Dan Z. Reinstein, MD – London Vision Clinic, London, UK
    9:00 AM    
        REFRACTION WORKSHOP (8 hours)
    Retinoscopy: Lecture
    Mark E. Wilkinson, OD, FAAO – University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA
    Retinoscopy: Workshop
    Shira Kresch, MS, OD, FAAO – Columbia University, New York, USA Suzanne Sherman, OD – Columbia University, New York, USA Sonali Talsania, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Fiza Shuja, OD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Refraction: Lecture
    Mark E. Wilkinson, OD, FAAO – University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA
    Refraction: Workshop
    Shira Kresch, MS, OD, FAAO – Columbia University, New York, USA Suzanne Sherman, OD – Columbia University, New York, USA Sonali Talsania, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Fiza Shuja, OD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Mark E. Wilkinson, OD, FAAO – University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA
    January 11, 2021 – Monday
        Basic Cornea and External Eye Diseases (1 hour)
    LeeJee H. Suh, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Anterior Segment Imaging (1 hour)
    LeeJee H. Suh, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA Corneal Infections and Keratoprosthesis  (1 hour) Danielle Trief, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Corneal Dystrophies and Corneal Transplantation (2 hours)
    George Florakis, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Antibiotics, Antifungals, Antivirals: Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics (1 hour)
    Michael J. Weiss, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    9:00 AM    
    January 12, 2021 – Tuesday
        Cornea, Corneal Infections and Transplantation – Q&A and Discussion (0.5 hours) live session
    LeeJee H. Suh, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA Danielle Trief, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA George Florakis, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    9:00 AM    
        Michael J. Weiss, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA    
        Pre‐op Evaluation and Consent
    George Cioffi, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Refractive considerations in cataract surgery: basic optics, biometry, IOL calculations, and IOL choices including torics and multifocals (1 hour)
    Paul Krawitz, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    James Auran, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Anesthesia: blocks, topical, intracameral
    Dana Blumberg, MD, MPH – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Dana Blumberg, MD, MPH – Columbia University, New York, USA Lens staining/Capsulorrhexis, Hydrodissection/Hydrodelineation Lisa Park, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Phaco techniques
    Roslyn M. Stahl – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Cortical removal / IOL insertion
    LeeJee H. Suh, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA Handling complications: Capsular Rupture / Anterior vitrectomy Danielle Trief, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Handling complex cases: small pupil/pseudoexfoliation/floppy iris George Cioffi, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA Postoperative management
    Roslyn M. Stahl – Columbia University, New York, USA
    How to prepare for phaco: dry‐lab demonstration
    Lisa Park, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    January 13, 2021 – Wednesday  
        Cataract and Phaco – Q&A and Discussion  live session Paul Krawitz, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA Grace Sun, MD – Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, USA Lisa Park, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA George Cioffi, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA James Auran, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Dana Blumberg, MD, MPH – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Roslyn M. Stahl – Columbia University, New York, USA
    LeeJee H. Suh, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Danielle Trief, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    9:00 AM      
        Fundamentals of Perimetry (1 hour)
    George Cioffi, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Examination of the Optic Nerve (1 hour)
    Jeffrey M. Liebmann, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA Structure‐Function Relationship in Glaucoma (1 hour)  Gustavo De Moraes, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA Optical Coherence Tomography (1 hour)
    Don Hood, PhD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Optic Nerve Head Biomechanics (1 hour)
    Claude F. Burgoyne, MD – Devers Eye Institute, Portland, USA
    Glaucoma laboratory science (1 hour)
    Gulgun Tezel, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    January 14, 2021 – Thursday  
        Glaucoma Risk Factors (1 hour)
    Dana Blumberg, MD, MPH – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Glaucoma genetics (1 hour)
    Aliaa Abdelhakim, MD, PhD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Secondary Glaucomas (1 hour)
    Sung Chul (Sean) Park, MD – Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital, New York, USA
    Major Prospective Trials in Glaucoma (1 hour)
    Dana Blumberg, MD, MPH – Columbia University, New York, USA Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery and Laser Surgery (1 hour) Noga Harizman, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Case presentations & decision making: OHT, XFG, target IOP, surgical decisions (1 hour)
    Jeffrey M. Liebmann, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Gustavo De Moraes, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    9:00 AM    
    Introduction to Glaucoma Surgery
    Noga Harizman, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    January 15, 2021 – Friday
        Glaucoma – Q&A and Discussion (0.5 hours) live session George Cioffi, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA  Jeffrey M. Liebmann, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA Gustavo De Moraes, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA Don Hood, PhD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Claude F. Burgoyne, MD – Devers Eye Institute, Portland, USA
    Gulgun Tezel, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Dana Blumberg, MD, MPH – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Aliaa Abdelhakim, MD, PhD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Sung Chul (Sean) Park, MD – Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital, New York, USA
    Noga Harizman, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    9:00 AM    
        Neuro‐Ophthalmology of Pupil (1 hour)
    Golnaz Moazami, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO), MOG antibody demyelination, paraneoplastic and autoimmune diseases (2 hours)
    John J. Chen, MD, PhD – Mayo Clinic, Rochester, USA
    Giant Cell Arteritis (AION), Ischemic Optic Neuropathy (NAION) (1 hour)
    Jeffrey Odel, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension, Papilledema, Pseudopapilledema (1 hour)
    Marc J. Dinkin, MD – Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, USA Oculomotor System and Vestibular Ocular Reflex (1 hour) Michael Goldberg, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Clinical Eye Movement Disorders: Cortex, Brainstem and Cerebellar Disorders (1 hour)
    Linus Sun, MD, PhD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Sixth Sense (1 hour)
    Jeffrey Odel, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    January 18, 2021 – Monday
        Neuro‐Ophthalmology I – Q&A and Discussion (0.5 hours) live session
    Golnaz Moazami, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA John J. Chen, MD, PhD – Mayo Clinic, Rochester, USA  Jeffrey Odel, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA Marc J. Dinkin, MD – Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, USA
    Michael Goldberg, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    9:00 AM    
        Linus Sun, MD, PhD – Columbia University, New York, USA    
        Functional Neuro‐Ophthalmology (1 hour)
    Jonathan Trobe, MD – University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
    Interpretation of VF (1 hour)
    Jonathan Trobe, MD – University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
    Visual Pathway Representations in Cortex ‐ Strabismus and Amblyopia, Cortical Vision Loss, Wilbrand’s Knee and Lesions of Optic Chiasm (2 hours)
    Jonathan C. Horton, MD, PhD – University of California, San Francisco, USA
    Neuro‐Ophtho‐Radiology (1 hour)
    Gul Moonis, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Neurovascular Disorders: Amaurosis Fugax, Posterior Circulation, posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (1 hour)
    Mitchell Elkind, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Multiple Sclerosis and Other Neuro‐Inflammatory Syndromes (1 hour)
    Claire S. Riley, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Headache and Vision (1 hour)
    Marianna Yugrakh, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    January 19, 2021 – Tuesday  
        Neuro‐Ophthalmology II – Q&A and Discussion (0.5 hours) live session
    Jonathan Trobe, MD – University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
    Jonathan C. Horton, MD, PhD – University of California, San Francisco, USA
    Gul Moonis, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA Mitchell Elkind, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA Claire S. Riley, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Marianna Yugrakh, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    9:00 AM      
        Thyroid Eye Disease – Evaluation and Medical Management (1 hour) Peter Dolman, MD – University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada Thyroid Eye Disease – Surgical Management (1 hour)
    Michael Kazim, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Pediatric Orbital Tumors Management (1 hour)
    William R. Katowitz, MD – Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, USA
    Adult Orbital Tumors Management (1 hour)
    Michael Kazim, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA Eyelid Tumors, Reconstruction and Malpositions (1 hour) Lora Glass, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Lacrimal System Disorders Evaluation and Management/Management of Anophthalmic Socket (1 hour)
    Kyle Godfrey, MD – Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, USA
    Orbital and Eyelid Trauma (1 hour)
    Alexandra Braunstein, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    January 20, 2021 – Wednesday  
        Oculoplastics – Q&A and Discussion (0.5 hours) live session
    Peter Dolman, MD – University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
    Michael Kazim, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    William R. Katowitz, MD – Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, USA Michael Kazim, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Lora Glass, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Kyle Godfrey, MD – Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, USA
    Alexandra Braunstein, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    9:00 AM      
        Pathophysiology of Ocular Tumors (5 hours)
    Brian Marr, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    January 21, 2021 – Thursday
        Ocular Tumors – Q&A and Discussion (0.5 hours) live session
    Brian Marr, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    9:00 AM    
    The Orbital Apex (1 hour)
    Daniel Casper, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA Blepharoplasty: Indications, Techniques, Complications (1 hour) Jeffrey Ascherman, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA Facial Rejuvenation: Botulinum Toxin & Fillers
    Lora R. Glass, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Dissection Workshop (2 hours)
    Daniel Casper, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    January 22, 2021 – Friday
        Anatomy of the Orbit – Q&A and Discussion (0.5 hours) live session
    John Merriam, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA Jeffrey Ascherman, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA Martin Leib, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Daniel Casper, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    9:00 AM    
        Retinal pigment epithelium in disease and fundus autofluorescence (1 hour)
    Janet Sparrow, PhD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Adaptive Optics and its role in the Diagnosis and Management of Retinal Disorders (1 hour)
    Richard B. Rosen, MD – Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, USA
    Retinal imaging (1 hour)
    Gadi Wollstein, MD – New York University, New York, USA
    Ultrasound Imaging in Retinal Disease (1 hour)
    Ronald H. Silverman, PhD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) (1 hour)
    David Huang, MD, PhD – Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, USA
    January 25, 2021 – Monday
        Eye Imaging – Q&A and Discussion (0.5 hours) live session
    Janet Sparrow, PhD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Richard B. Rosen, MD – Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, USA
    Gadi Wollstein, MD – New York University, New York, USA
    Ronald H. Silverman, PhD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    David Huang, MD, PhD – Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, USA
    9:00 AM    
        New Targets for AMD Pharmacotheraphy (1 hour)
    Antonio Ciardella, MD – Policlinico S.Orsola‐Malpighi, Universita di Bologna, Italy
    Update on Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment (1 hour)
    Srilaxmi Bearelly, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Central Serous Chorioretinopathy: Towards and Evidence‐Based Treatment Guideline (1 hour)
    Lawrence Yannuzzi, MD – New York University, New York, USA Multimodal Imaging as a Diagnostic Tool for Uveitis (1 hour) Royce Chen, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    New Agents and Changing Patterns for the Treatment of Uveitis (1 hour)
    Nida Sen, MD – National Eye Institute, Bethesda, USA
    Uveitis in Patients with CTLA‐4 and PD‐1 Checkpoint Blockade Inhibition (1 hour)
    Henry J. Kaplan, MD – University of Louisville, Louisville, USA
    January 26, 2021 – Tuesday
        Retinal Diseases I – Q&A and Discussion (0.5 hours) live session
    Antonio Ciardella, MD – Policlinico S.Orsola‐Malpighi, Universita di Bologna, Italy
    Srilaxmi Bearelly, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA Lawrence Yannuzzi, MD – New York University, New York, USA Royce Chen, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Nida Sen, MD – National Eye Institute, Bethesda, USA
    Henry J. Kaplan, MD – University of Louisville, Louisville, USA
    9:00 AM    
        Using OCT to improve the outcomes of Macular Surgery (1 hour)
    Stanley Chang, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Human Amniotic Membrane Grafing for Large and Persistent Macular Holes (1 hour)
    Tongalp Tezel, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Keeping the Head Down, or Not? (1 hour)
    Jason Horowitz, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA Artificial Intelligence for Diabetic Retinopathy Screening (1 hour) Michael D. Abramoff, MD, PhD – University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA Robotics and Eye Surgery (1 hour)
    Peter L. Gehlbach, MD, PhD – Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
    January 27, 2021 – Wednesday
        Retinal Diseases II – Q&A and Discussion (0.5 hours) live session Stanley Chang, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA Tongalp Tezel, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Jason Horowitz, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Michael D. Abramoff, MD, PhD – University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA
    Peter L. Gehlbach, MD, PhD – Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
    9:00 AM    
        Introduction to strabismus: classification, sensory and motor testing (1 hour)
    Sonali Talsania, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Amblyopia: diagnosis, classification, pathogenesis, and management (1 hour)
    Pamela F. Gallin, MD, FACS – Columbia University, New York, USA Strabismus surgery: procedures and fundamentals (1 hour) Steven Brooks, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA Retinopathy of prematurity (1 hour)
    Steven Brooks, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Pediatric Neuro‐Ophthalmology (1 hour)
    Steven Kane, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Pediatric Cataracts & Glaucoma (1 hour)
    Steven Kane, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    January 28, 2021 – Thursday
        Pediatric Eye Diseases – Q&A and Discussion (0.5 hours) live session
    Sonali Talsania, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA Pamela F. Gallin, MD, FACS – Columbia University, New York, USA Steven Brooks, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    Steven Kane, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    9:00 AM    
        Common congenital anomalies of the eye (1 hour)
    Irene Maumenee, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA Electrodiagnostic (EDD) Cases (Hereditary & Acquired) (2 hours) Graham E. Holder, MD – National University of Singapore, Singapore
    Gene therapy for retinal disorders: gateways and obstacles in drug development (1 hour)
    Katherine A. High, MD – Rockefeller University, New York, USA
    Stem Cell Therapy (1 hour)
    Masayo Takahashi, MD, PhD – RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology, Kobe, Japan
        Genetic Testing in Ophthalmology (1 hour)
    Megan Soucy, MS – Columbia University, New York, USA
    January 29, 2021 – Friday  
        Ophthalmic Genetics I – Q&A and Discussion (0.5 hours) live session
    Irene Maumenee, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA Graham E. Holder, MD – National University of Singapore, Singapore Katherine A. High, MD – Rockefeller University, New York, USA
    Masayo Takahashi, MD, PhD – RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology, Kobe, Japan
    Megan Soucy, MS – Columbia University, New York, USA
    9:00 AM      
        Ophthalmic Genetics Case Presentations (4 hours)
    Anthony Moore, MD – University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, USA
    Irene Maumenee, MD – Columbia University, New York, USA
    BSCO students
        Retinal metabolomics in health and disease (1 hour) James Hurley, PhD – University of Washington, Seattle, USA Mitochondrial Etiology of Ophthalmic Diseases (1 hour)
    Douglas C. Wallace, PhD – University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
        Ophthalmic Genetics II – Q&A and Discussion (0.5 hours) live session
    James Hurley, PhD – University of Washington, Seattle, USA
    Douglas C. Wallace, PhD – University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
        CLOSING CEREMONY – ONLINE MIXER live session    
    4:00 PM      
  • Gebühren
    Gebühren ab
    2.500,00 USD
    Early Bird bis 09.12.2022
    2.300,00 USD
    Ärzte/-innen in Weiterbildung
    Gebühren ab
    2.500,00 USD
    Early Bird bis 09.12.2022
    2.300,00 USD
    *In the event that the course transitions to a virtual format, each registered participant will receive a partial refund of $500.
    ! Late Registration – Until 12/31/2022 !
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