Angiogenesis, Exudation, and Degeneration 2023 – Virtual Edition
A scientific education

Angiogenesis, Exudation, and Degeneration 2023 – Virtual Edition
A scientific education

10.02.2023, 07:50 - 11.02.2023, 14:10
Gebühren ab
100.00 EUR
Bascom Palmer Eye Institute

Bascom Palmer Eye Institute
1120 NW 14th Street, Suite 1563
US - 33136 Miami, Florida
Tel.: +1 (305) 326 6110

Fax: +1 (305) 326 6518

This Web-Seminar for retina specialists, general ophthalmologists and researchers will review the latest in imaging, translational research, and clinical trials with an emphasis on how these results will impact clinical ophthalmology. It will emphasize early phase clinical trials and recently completed studies focused on the treatment of a wide range of retinal diseases with special emphasis on AMD, diabetic retinopathy, uveitis, and retinal degeneration.
  • Basisinformation
    10.02.2023, 07:50 - 11.02.2023, 14:10
    Gebühren ab
    100.00 EUR
    Bascom Palmer Eye Institute

    Bascom Palmer Eye Institute
    1120 NW 14th Street, Suite 1563
    US - 33136 Miami, Florida
    Tel.: +1 (305) 326 6110

    Fax: +1 (305) 326 6518

  • Programm

    Course Objectives

    Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:

    • Examine new evidence for understanding the pathophysiology in nonexudative age-related macular degeneration
    • Examine new evidence for predicting disease progression in nonexudative age-related macular degeneration
    • Evaluate emerging therapies for the treatment of nonexudative age-related macular degeneration with a particular focus on complement inhibitors and the population most likely to benefit once these drugs are approved
    • Evaluate therapies targeting novel disease pathways being investigated in early-stage clinical trials for nonexudative age-related macular degeneration
    • Evaluate the clinical use of available anti-VEGF drugs for exudative ocular diseases
    • Provide an update on the next generation of anti-VEGF therapies recently approved and currently in development
    • Evaluate the benefits and limitations of different imaging technologies in the diagnosis and clinical management of macular and retinal diseases
    • Incorporate the latest advances in artificial intelligence, specifically machine learning, for the diagnosis and treatment of retinal diseases


    Friday, February 10, 2023

    7:50 am Welcome and Overview / Pre-Program Test
    Philip J. Rosenfeld, MD, PhD, Harry W. Flynn, Jr., MD, and Thomas A. Albini, MD
      Session I: Non-Exudative AMD
    Moderators: Philip J. Rosenfeld, MD, PhD, Giovanni Gregori, PhD, and Zohar Yehoshua, MD, MHA
    Panelists: Gregory S. Hageman, PhD, Giovanni Staurenghi, MD, FARVO, FEBO, Christine A. Curcio, FARVO, Lawrence Singerman, MD, Aaron Y. Lee, MD, MSCI, R. Theodore Smith, MD, Giuseppe Querques, MD, Mengxi Shen, MD, Justis P. Ehlers, MD, and Baruch D. Kuppermann, MD, PhD
    8:00 Age-Related Macular Degeneration: A Tale of Two Biologies
    Gregory S. Hageman PhD
    8:10 High Resolution OCT of AMD
    Giovanni Staurenghi, MD, FARVO, FEBO
    8:20 Imaging and Plasma Measures of Xanthophyll Carotenoids in Early Stages of AMD: Elucidating Lutein and Zeaxanthin Bioavailability in the ALSTAR2 Baseline Cohort
    Christine A. Curcio, PhD, FARVO
    8:30 Short Form of the National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire-25 {NEI VFQ-25}: The VFQ-7
    Lawrence Singerman, MD
    8:40 Deep Learning Techniques for AMD Biomarkers
    Aaron Y. Lee, MD, MSCI
    8:50 Subretinal Drusenoid Deposits are Markers for Co-existent High-risk Vascular Diseases
    R. Theodore Smith, MD
    9:00 Subclinical Age-Related Angioid Streaks with Pseudodrusen - A Frequent Cause of AMD Misdiagnosis
    Giuseppe Querques, MD
    9:10 Correlations Between Central CC Flow Impairment and Cone Visual Acuity Measurements
    Mengxi Shen, MD
    9:20 Ellipsoid Zone Integrity in Dry AMD: An Imaging Biomarker for Progression Risk and Clinical Trial Endpoint
    Justis P. Ehlers, MD
    9:30 Reversing Vision Loss in Dry AMD: Matching Mechanism with the Right Patient Population and Stage of Disease
    Baruch D. Kuppermann, MD, PhD
      Session II: Predicting Disease Progression in Non-Exudative AMD
    Moderators: Jaclyn L. Kovach, MD, Sander R. Dubovy, MD, and Philip J. Rosenfeld, MD, PhD
    Panelists: Frank G. Holz, FEBO, FARVO, David Sarraf, MD, Ruikang Wang, PhD, Philip J. Rosenfeld, MD, PhD, Pearse A. Keane, MD, MSc, FRCOphth MRCSI, Emily Y. Chew, MD, and Gemmy Cheung MBBS, FRCOphth, FAMS, MCI
    9:40 MACUSTAR Study in Intermediate AMD: Novel Findings
    Frank G. Holz, FEBO, FARVO
    9:50 Progression of iRORA to cRORA: Challenges in Implementation into Clinical Trials of AMD
    David Sarraf, MD
    10:00 Automated Algorithms to Quantify Geographic Atrophy and Pigment Burden in AMD
    Ruikang Wang, PhD
    10:10 The Onset and Progression of Persistent Hypertransmission Defects: A Novel Clinical Trial Endpoint for Studying iAMD
    Philip J. Rosenfeld, MD, PhD
    10:20 Deep learning in Geographic Atrophy - the Impending Need for AI-enabled Therapeutics
    Pearse A. Keane, MD, MSc, FROphth, MRCSI
    10:30 The Update of AREDS/AREDS2 on GA Progression and the Role of Reticular Pseudodrusen in AMD Progression
    Emily Y. Chew, MD
    10:40 Macular Atrophy Phenotypes and Progression Rates in Asians Compared to Non-Asians
    Gemmy Cheung MBBS, FRCOphth, FAMS, MCI
      Session III: Therapies for Non-Exudative AMD
    Moderators: Ninel Z. Gregori, MD, Philip J. Rosenfeld, MD, PhD, and Raquel Goldhardt, MD, FACS
    Panelists: Pedro Lylyk, MD, Amir H. Kashani, MD, PhD, Arshad M. Khanani, MD, MA, David Eichenbaum, MD, David R. Lally, MD, FASRS, Glenn J. Jaffe, MD, Peter K. Kaiser, MD
    10:50 Intracranial Ophthalmic Angioplasty (IOA): Safety and Preliminary Results, a Better Way to Improve Retinal and Choroidal Perfusion
    Pedro Lylyk, MD
    11:00 Phase 1 Study of JNJ-81201887 Gene Therapy in Geographic Atrophy (GA) due to Age-Related Macular Degeneration
    Jeffrey S. Heier, MD
    11:10 Preliminary Results of a Phase 1/2a Study Using Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Derived Retinal Pigment Epithelium for Treatment of Advanced Dry Age Related Macular Degeneration with Geographic Atrophy
    Amir H. Kashani, MD, PhD
    11:20 Results from the Phase II CATALINA Study Evaluating NGM621 for the Treatment of Geographic Atrophy
    Arshad M. Khanani, MD, MA
    11:30 GATHER1/GATHER2: Comparison of Trial Design and Baseline Patient Populations Influencing Lesion Growth
    David Eichenbaum, MD
    11:40 C5 Inhibition with Avacincaptad Pegol for the Treatment of Geographic Atrophy: Efficacy Results from the Phase 3 GATHER2 Trial
    David R. Lally, MD, FASRS
    11:50 Foveal Invasion in GATHER2
    Glenn J. Jaffe, MD
    12:00 pm Safety of the Phase 2/3 Gather1 and Gather2 Studies
    Peter K. Kaiser, MD
      Session IV: Pegcetacoplan Results for the Treatment of GA: Derby and Oaks Trials
    Moderators: Jorge Fortun, MD, Jayanth Sridhar, MD, and Philip J. Rosenfeld, MD, PhD
    Panelists: Eleonora M. Lad, MD, PhD, Rishi Singh, MD, Jeffrey S. Heier, MD, and Nadia K. Waheed, MD, MPH
    12:10 2-year Outcomes of the Pegcetacoplan Phase 3 Derby and Oaks Clinical Trials for GA: Baseline Characteristics and Efficacy
    Eleonora M. Lad, MD, PhD
    12:20 2-year Outcomes of the Pegcetacoplan Phase 3 Derby and Oaks Clinical Trials for GA: Safety and Exudative Changes
    Rishi Singh, MD
    12:30 Analytical Strategies for Microperimetry in GA trials: The Oaks Trial Experience
    Nadia K. Waheed, MD, MPH
    12:40 A Deeper Dive into the 24-Month Results of Derby and Oaks Trials
    Jeffrey S. Heier, MD
    12:50 Panel Discussion: Derby and Oaks Trials
    1:00 Session V
    Panel Discussion on Translating the Results of Clinical Trials to the Real-World Treatment of Late Nonexudative AMD
    Moderators: Philip J. Rosenfeld MD, PhD
    Panelists: SriniVas R. Sadda, MD, Frank G. Holz, FEBO, FARVO, Emily Y. Chew, MD, Arshad M. Khanani, MD, MA, David Eichenbaum, MD, David R. Lally, MD, FASRS, Peter K. Kaiser, MD, Eleonora Lad, MD, PhD, Rishi Singh, MD, Jeffrey S. Heier, MD, Lawrence Singerman, MD, Giovanni Staurenghi, MD, and Nadia K. Waheed, MD, MPH
      Session VI: Exudative AMD
    Moderators: Luis J. Haddock, MD, Maura Di Nicola, MD, and Thomas A. Albini, MD
    Panelists: Richard F. Spaide, MD, SriniVas R. Sadda, MD, K. Bailey Freund, MD, Jean-Francois Korobelnik MD, PhD, Omer Trivizki, MD, MBA, Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth, MD, Anat Loewenstein, MD, Daniel F. Martin, MD, Nancy Holekamp, MD, and Usha Chakravarthy, MD
    1:30 Inflammatory Cell Involvement in Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration
    Richard F. Spaide, MD
    1:40 OCT Risk Factors for Development of Macular Neovascularization
    SriniVas R. Sadda, MD
    1:50 Deep Retinal Age-Related Microvascular Anomalies (DRAMA): A Mimic or Precursor of Intraretinal Neovascularization?
    K. Bailey Freund, MD
    2:00 Exudation Assessment on SD-OCT in Wet AMD: B-Scan or Mapping?
    Jean-Francois Korobelnik MD, PhD
    2:10 Remote Monitoring of Exudative AMD Patients using Macular Thickness Measurements and Optimal Change Thresholding
    Omer Trivizki, MD, MBA
    2:20 Automated Quantification of Retinal Fluid in Real-World Disease Management
    Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth, MD
    2:30 AI-Derived Fluid Dynamics in Exudative Retinal Diseases
    Anat Loewenstein, MD
    2:40 Home OCT and its Potential Role in the Management of Neovascular AMD
    Daniel F. Martin, MD
    2:50 Home OCT Guided Anti-VEGF Therapy in Patients with nAMD – First Longitudinal Study Results
    Nancy Holekamp, MD
    3:00 Does Atrophy Precede or Follow Outer Retinal Fibrosis in Treated Neovascular AMD
    Usha Chakravarthy, MD
    3:10 Adjourn until Saturday, Feb. 11th at 8:00 am


    Saturday, February 11, 2023

    7:50 am Welcome and Overview
    Philip J. Rosenfeld, MD, PhD, Harry W. Flynn, Jr., MD, and Thomas A. Albini, MD
      Session VII: Emerging and Current Therapies for Exudative AMD
    Moderators: Janet L. Davis, MD, Thomas A. Albini, MD, and Nicolas A. Yannuzzi, MD
    Panelists: Tong Li, MD, PhD, Andrew A. Moshfeghi, MD, MBA, Xiaodong Sun, MD, PhD, Charles C. Wykoff, MD, PhD, Allen C. Ho, MD, Mark R. Barakat, MD, David M. Brown, MD, FACS, Carl D. Regillo, MD, Robyn Guymer, MBBS, PhD, and Seung-Young Yu, MD
    8:00 LX102 Gene Therapy for Neovascular AMD
    Tong Li, MD, PhD
    8:10 Update on a Hydrogel-Based Intravitreal Axitinib Intravitreal Implant (OTX-TKI) for the Treatment of Neovascular AMD
    Andrew A. Moshfeghi, MD, MBA
    8:20 Primary Endpoint Results of a Phase II study of Efdamrofusp Alfa: A Bispecific Fusion Protein Targeting VEGF and Complement in Patients with nAMD: Multicentre, Randomized, Active Controlled Trial
    Xiaodong Sun, MD, PhD
    8:30 An Update on Subretinal RGX-314 Gene Therapy in nAMD
    Charles C. Wykoff, MD, PhD
    8:40 Long-Term Follow-Up of Durable Subretinal RGX-314 Gene Therapy for Exudative AMD
    Allen C. Ho, MD
    8:50 Suprachoroidal Therapy for Neovascular AMD
    Mark R. Barakat, MD
    9:00 Efficacy and Safety of High-Dose (8.0 mg) Aflibercept of Treatment for Wet AMD: 48-Week Results from PULSAR
    David M. Brown, MD, FACS
    9:10 Talon Phase 3b Study Results: Brolucizumab vs. Aflibercept in a Matched Treat-and-Extend Superiority Study for Neovascular AMD
    Carl D. Regillo, MD
    9:20 VOYAGER: An Innovative, Global, Observational Study to Gain Real-World Insights into the Long-term Utilisation of Faricimab and the Port Delivery System with Ranibizumab for the Treatment of nAMD and DME
    Robyn Guymer, MBBS, PhD
    9:30 Three-Year Clinical Outcomes of Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy Based on Swept-Source OCT Angiography
    Seung-Young Yu, MD
      Session VIII: Diabetic Retinopathy-Imaging and Treatment
    Moderators: Justin H. Townsend, MD, Harry W. Flynn, Jr. MD, and Basil Williams, MD
    Panelists: James G. Fujimoto, PhD, Toshinori Murata, MD, PhD, Peter K. Kaiser, MD, Peter A. Campochiaro, MD, Robert Bhisitkul, MD, PhD, Arshad M. Khanani, MD, MA, Dante Pieramici, MD, David S. Boyer, MD, Jennifer Sun MD, and Jayanth Sridhar, MD
    9:40 OCT Angiography in Diabetic Retinopathy
    Harry W. Flynn, Jr. MD
    9:50 Advances in Ultrahigh Speed SS-OCT Angiography for Assessing Retinal Blood Flow
    James G. Fujimoto, PhD
    10:00 The Balance Between Leakage and Drainage in Macular Edema
    Toshinori Murata, MD, PhD
    10:10 Efficacy and Safety data for APX3330, a novel oral drug candidate for DR/DME from the ZETA-1 Phase 2b trial
    Peter K. Kaiser, MD
    10:20 Results of the Phase 2 BEHOLD Trial of UBX1325, A Novel Senolytic Agent for Diabetic Macular Edema
    Robert Bhisitkul, MD, PhD
    10:30 Suprachoroidal Therapy for Diabetic Retinopathy
    Peter A. Campochiaro, MD
    10:40 Port Delivery System with Ranibizumab (PDS) in Patients With Diabetic Macular Edema: Primary Analysis Results of the Phase 3 Pagoda Trial
    Arshad M. Khanani, MD, MA
    10:50 Port Delivery System with Ranibizumab (PDS) in Patients With Diabetic Retinopathy: Primary Analysis Results of the Phase 3 Pavilion Trial
    Dante Pieramici, MD
    11:00 Efficacy and Safety of High-dose (8 mg) Aflibercept for Treatment of DME: 48-Week Results from PHOTON
    David S. Boyer, MD
    11:10 Results of DRCR Retina Network Protocol AC
    Jennifer Sun, MD
    11:20 Changes in Prescribing Trends of Intravitreal Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Antagonists with Initial Publication of DRCR.net
    Jayanth Sridhar, MD
      Session IX: Faricimab in Diabetic Retinopathy and Retinal Vein Occlusions
    Moderators: Harry W. Flynn, Jr. MD, Philip J. Rosenfeld, MD, PhD, and William E. Smiddy, MD
    Panelists: Karl G. Csaky, MD, PhD, Caroline Baumal, MD, Ramin Tadayoni, MD, PhD, Peter A. Campochiaro, MD, Robert Bhisitkul, MD, PhD, Arshad M. Khanani, MD, MA, Dante Pieramici, MD, David S. Boyer, MD, Jennifer Sun, MD, Jayanth Sridhar, MD, and Justin H. Townsend, MD
    11:30 Faricimab in nAMD and DME - Latest Updates
    Caroline Baumal, MD
    11:40 Ang2/VEGF Biology and Intraocular Suppression Following Intravitreal Administration of Faricimab
    Karl G. Csaky, MD, PhD
    11:50 Faricimab in RVO - Results from the BALATON and COMINO Phase 3 Studies
    Ramin Tadayoni, MD, PhD
    12:00 pm Panel Discussion: Faricimab in Retinal Vascular Diseases
      Session X: Retinal Vascular Diseases and Uveitis
    Moderators: Thomas A. Albini MD, Stephen G. Schwartz, MD, MBA, and Philip J. Rosenfeld, MD, PhD
    Panelists: Darius M. Moshfeghi, MD, Michael S. Ip, MD, Diana V. Do, MD, Martin Friedlander, MD, PhD, Thomas A. Albini, MD, Lawrence A. Yannuzzi, MD, Steven Yeh, MD, and Sunil K. Srivastava, MD
    12:10 Avascular Retina as the Risk Factor for Failure in BEAT ROP and anti-VEGF Clinical Trials
    Darius M. Moshfeghi, MD
    12:20 Efficacy and Safety of Intravitreal Aflibercept versus Laser Photocoagulation for ROP: Results from the Phase 3 BUTTERFLEYE Trial
    Darius M. Moshfeghi, MD
    12:30 Treatment Outcomes with Anti-VEGF Therapy for CRVO and BRVO: An Analysis of the Vestrum Database
    Michael S. Ip, MD
    12:40 Update on KSI-301 and the BEACON Phase III Pivotal Study for Retinal Vein Occlusion
    Diana V. Do, MD
    12:50 Results of the Phase 3 MacTel2 CNTF Trial
    Martin Friedlander, MD, PhD
    1:00 Diagnostic Testing in Uveitis
    Thomas A. Albini, MD
    1:10 Acute Zonal Occul Outer Retinopathy (AZOOR): Long-Term Follow-Up
    Lawrence A. Yannuzzi, MD
    1:20 Integrated Analysis of Phase 3 Clinical Trials on Suprachoroidal Triamcinolone Acetonide for Macular Edema Due to Noninfectious Uveitis: From Evidence to Clinical Practice
    Steven Yeh, MD
    1:30 Inflammatory Complications of Gene Therapy
    Sunil K. Srivastava, MD
      Session XI: Inherited Retinal Degenerations
    Moderators: Philip J. Rosenfeld MD PhD, Byron L. Lam MD, and Harry W. Flynn, Jr. MD
    Panelists: Carel B. Hoyng, MD, Quan Dong Nguyen, MD, MSc, and Byron L. Lam, MD
    1:40 Stargardt Disease, Phenotyping, and Towards Clinical Trials
    Carel B. Hoyng, MD
    1:50 Tinlarebant (LBS-008) for Stargardt Disease: The Story Continues
    Quan Dong Nguyen, MD, MSc
    2:00 Treatments and Clinical Trials for Inherited Retinal Disease
    Byron L. Lam, MD
    2:10 Post-Program Test and Closing Remarks
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  • Zertifizierung
    Zertifizierung beantragt für CME Punkte bei der Sonstige
    The University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine designates this live activity for a maximum of 13.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.

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