
International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO)

International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO)

ICO-Abbvie Advanced Research Fellowship

50.000 $

The International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO) and AbbVie Advanced Research Fellowship allows a young ophthalmologist to continue basic or clinical research at a chosen university, preferably in a foreign country to where they live. The fellowship is open to candidates from all countries. Applications will be accepted for research work in the following subspecialties: Glaucoma, Neuro-Ophthalmology, Pediatric Ophthalmology, Retina, Tumours, Uveitis, Dry Eye, and Cornea. There is one fellowship awarded per year, with US$ 50,000 stipend. The application deadline 31 March each year. The ICO-AbbVie Advanced Research fellow will be chosen and notified in July of the same year.

Basic Requirements:

  • Applicant must be a graduate of an ophthalmology residency training program and a specialist exam in ophthalmology must be successfully passed.
  • Minimum 12 months of research training must be completed
  • Applicant must be under 40 years of age at the time of applying.
  • Applicant must be reasonably fluent in the language of the fellowship training center and/or English.
  • The ICO recommends that candidates pass one or more ICO Examinations. This is considered in the assessment of applications.
  • Applicants from countries with ophthalmology societies that are an ICO Member Society  will receive special consideration

Research Requirements:

The following additional documents need to be submitted as part of the application process:

  • Detailed curriculum vitae
  • Detailed publication list and impact factors
  • Description of previous work in the field of the application
  • Application endorsement by the current program director/employer
  • Detailed description of how research work should be continued during the fellowship
  • Feasibility confirmation of the chosen host university
  • Confirmation from the present program director/employer that the applicant may return after his/her fellowship and resume his/her position.

How to apply: 

View the online application.
Questions?  Please review Frequently Asked Questions before contacting the ICO Fellowship Committee at: